sometimes, always, never

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{the year of}

I started 2012 by proclaiming it was the year of Whitney, but it turns out it's actually more like the year of injury (maybe that's what you get for trying to dedicate an entire year to yourself?).

I finally kicked off my boot for good, only to get hit in the head by the trunk of a minivan as it was popping open. I'm not sure why I don't wear a helmet all the time, but I'm about to color coordinate one with my outfits and make them cool. I split open my eyebrow, earning a solid black eye and some stitches. To say it was both a smooth and sexy move would be an understatement, I think.

Ironically enough, I am fairly certain the only thing protecting me from seriously hurting my eye were those free glasses, which I had received just an hour prior. Turns out they actually reduce risk! If that's not meant to be, I really don't know what is. Amiright?

So. Here we go 2013 - the year of an injury free Whitney!

(Can someone knock on some wood, please?
And also come fix my now very crooked glasses?)