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And we suspend! TRX: the q+d

Let me tell you a story about how last week I tried a TRX Suspension class on Wednesday and today is the first day my abs haven't been sore. For real. 

In my defense, I did have some stand up paddle boarding and kayaking in there, which may have delayed the un-sore-ifying process. But either way, what I have discovered is: TRX is hard.

After blogging about how I wanted to try it, my friend Taylor mentioned she and her husband do a suspension class a few times a week. I now know that she is basically a superhero.

We went to Balance Total Fitness in Kirkwood. The class was only 30 minutes, but she made the most of every single one of those minutes. From deep squats to push ups and planks to dominating our obliques, it was amazing. During the workout, I knew it was hard, but it felt manageable in a sweaty sort of way. The minute we stopped, though, I was suddenly dead - and the next day came the soreness. 

And with this, I strongly encourage anyone looking for a crazy good workout to run - don't walk - to your nearest TRX studio and start suspending. If you're like me and like to know what you're getting into before a workout, here's my quick and dirty:
  • You can wear whatever you want, but I liked having my yoga crops on. Spandex are probably best since you can spend a good amount of time with your legs in the air.
  • It's mostly strength, with a bit of cardio. Expect to sweat. It's not one of those workouts where you need to supplement with a run prior to going. 
  • You don't need anything - no mat, no gloves - you really wouldn't even have to have shoes. It's a workout, simplified!
And now, I am seriously considering getting a TRX band of my own for at home use. Nothing like falling hard and fast, eh?

Happy suspending!