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fresh harvest review

I'm so excited today to tell you about Fresh Harvest. This is bold: but I think it may be my favorite thing I've ever reviewed. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Fresh Harvest is similar to a CSA but, from personal experience, much better. I loved my CSA, but overall, Fresh Harvest was an even better experience. Here's why...

Why I liked it better than a CSA:

+ You don't have to opt in for a subscription. You can try it one time, or set up weekly deliveries. You aren't locked in, which is a huge perk. 
+ You pick your basket size. With my CSA, I had way too many veggies. Fresh Harvest allows you to pick what you want - from small to large to fruits to meat and everything in between. They understand that food isn't one size fits all.

+ They deliver it to you. Your house, your office - wherever you want. I had mine delivered to my office so it wouldn't get warm outside.
+ They work with tons of local farmers to pack the boxes. Which means if one farm has a bad crop of tomatoes, you're not out of luck. There are a lot of farmers working together to give YOU your items. 
+ They have more than just vegetables. Much more! A bakery, meat, eggs and dairy - to name a few. Essentially, they can be your local grocery store. 

My favorite elements:

+ On Sunday, Fresh Harvest emails you to tell you what you'll be receiving. If you don't want something, you can swap it out for something else - free of charge. 
+ Not going to the grocery! I having to go to the grocery on crazy Sunday. It totally hangs over my head all weekend. The fact that I didn't have to go this week was absolutely amazing. 
+ The prices. For significantly higher quality food (local, organic, free-range), the price is almost identical to my weekly Trader Joe's runs. And, by the way, I saved time not going to the grocery. 
+ They threw in free stuff! A sample of sea salted grassfed butter (amazing) and chocolate granola (double amazing). 

+ The peanut butter. HOLYMOLY. It was delicious. If you try a basket, try the PB. Asap. It has sea salt and coconut oil in it. It's unreal.

+ The customer service. The team is awesome. In their words, they are "from the state of Georgia and for the state of Georgia." And it couldn't feel truer. They are here to combat unhealthy eating and do it in the easiest, kindest way possible. I loved they way they communicated regularly, offered to replace anything that wasn't perfect and want to please their customers. 
+ Their FAQ is massive. Which is ideal for someone like me who has a lot of FAQs.

What now?

+ I'm signing up for a subscription. Totally converted over here!
+ Dying to try their coffee. Definitely thinking of adding that on to my next order! 
+ If you are in Georgia, I strongly recommend trying it at least once. You've got nothing to lose. Minus a trip to the grocery, that is! By the way, if you put my name in the referral box, we will both receive a $10 discount.

In exchange for this review, I received one free box from Fresh Harvest, but this review is absolutely my own opinion and I couldn't recommend them more highly!