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September Goals

September snuck up on me this week. August was a blur as I wrapped up work, went to a conference in LA and hosted my cousin's bachelorette weekend. All of the sudden, I woke up and it was September, which means there are only FOUR days left in my 20s. Four! 

To be totally candid, I didn't exactly complete all of my August goals. I underestimated what finalizing a business plan would look like. While we made a preliminary version, I'm realizing it is going to be fluid - shifting and growing as I better define my platform and goals. As you can see, I did not blog about our wedding and honeymoon. Wah! I also didn't go to yoga quite as much as I thought I would. This hot, steamy weather calls my name and makes it so hard for me to exercise indoors. 

We did, however, make a new budget and did our best sticking to it. Tomorrow, I'm sharing the new way we're dating, since pricey restaurants aren't exactly in our budget. I unsubscribed from a lot of store emails and am continuing to do it as they come in. I can't believe how much it has made a difference. More inbox space = more headspace. And less temptation to online shop. I also legally changed my last name (!) and finished All the Places to Go. Four out of seven? I'll take it! :) 

Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish this month:

1. Take on four new coaching clients // I am re-opening my schedule now that I have more time. Email me if you're interested in booking one :) 

2. Read Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist // I have been counting down on this book! I love Shauna and cannot wait to read (affiliate link)

3. Blog about our wedding a honeymoon // For real this time

4. Get my home office life more organized // we don't actually have a room for an office, but I want to find my new work-at-home routine. Where do I keep the pens, should I have a keyboard for my laptop? And so forth!

5. Start B-School // I've heard a lot of great things about this and want to sit down and work through it!

6. Reorganize my blog // I want to make it easier to find the posts people crave and clean things up a bit. 

7. Spend time researching women + worth // This probably won't be a check-it-off item. But, I want to dedicate more time to it.