sometimes, always, never

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Things I'm Afraid to Tell You

The unfiltered, un-washed hair version of me :)

The internet is pretty curated and my blog and insta feed are no exceptions. I recently read a very old post from Jess Lively about the things she was scared to share with her audience. I was inspired by her candor and thought I'd share a few of the truths from my life that I'm typically too timid to publish. (Even if it feels super scary.)

So, here goes nothing... 

  1. I have overcome an obsessive relationship with over-exercising and under-fueling, but sometimes still struggle with exercise as an idol. I have to remind myself to take rest days and still avoid running (for the most part) for fear that it will become an obsession again.
  2. I love sharing lessons I've learned in my 20s, but sometimes worry people will think I believe I have it "all figured out." I don't. 
  3. I love Jesus, but sometimes fear being really candid about it, because I don't want anyone to feel like they aren't welcome here if their beliefs don't align with mine. 
  4. I sometimes feel jealous of other people who have businesses, blogs and social media feeds that are WAY bigger than mine. When I see them grow rapidly, I wonder if they are more likable than me. 
  5. I want to talk about being married to Chris, but never want to give off the idea that we have a perfect marriage. There's no such thing! 
  6. I still feel convicted to talk about how painful and endless singleness can feel, but never want to come off as insincere now that I'm married.
  7. When I get really hungry and have nothing on me, I ask Chris what it would be like if we could eat our phones. (Hunger makes me desperate!)
  8. I cannot wait to have babies and have to work, daily, to stay present in this current phase we are in. It's a beautiful season being newlyweds and I don't want to rush through it. But it takes discipline for me to remember that.
  9. I only wash my hair once a week and am weirdly proud of it in real life, yet never talk about it here. I'm not dirty though - I still shower!

Deep breaths.

I hope this shines a little light into the non-online version of me. Hopefully it feels more like a flashlight than a floodlight and I have not blinded you with too much candor :)

My friend, Jena, is sharing the things she's afraid to post, too. Hop on over if you want to check it out. 

Thank you for reading!