sometimes, always, never

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{life updates}

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Hi! I received so many requests yesterday for the grain-free pot pie recipe I posted on my Insta story. I thought I'd add a link here to make it easier for everyone to find.

This is the crust I used. This is the recipe I used for the innards. I vary this portion of the recipe each time:

  • Sometimes I add peas instead of broccoli
  • Sometimes I use butter instead of coconut oil.
  • I always add celery
  • I always double the vegetable quantity it calls for.
  • I leave it topless because we prefer a high innards to crust ratio.

Chris thinks it's funny when I say innards, so I also like to try and say it as much as possible while making it. It's worth noting that this recipe is relatively time consuming. I typically make it on Sunday afternoon so I'm not in a rush. 

Beyond loving pot pie :) life in Virginia has been good so far. We're still living with my parents as we renovate and plan to move to our new house in early January. The house has been a huge learning experience for us and we're so grateful for all of the time, energy and support my parents have poured into it. 

I'm 18 weeks pregnant and the baby is the size of a sweet potato. Ah! I'm loving being pregnant. I feel so grateful to be carrying this baby and so excited to meet him or her in May. We aren't finding out the gender, which a lot of people think is crazy. :) I find it crazy that we're almost halfway through this pregnancy. It's flying by when I think about it as halfway over, but inching by when I remember I have to wait another 22 weeks before the baby comes. 

Now that I'm well into the second trimester, I have so much energy. I'm sleeping like a rock every night, but feel like I'm on a caffeine high all day. Some people say that means it's a boy. But who knows :)