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When Life Calls for Trimming

On Sunday, my dad came over to help trim our trees. They’d gotten out of hand during the last few months and, to be honest, I hadn’t really noticed until he pointed it out. Once I looked more closely, I realized just how bad they gotten - wild and jungly, with branches going every direction. In a way, they made me smile. A nod to summer - the unruly season of freedom that it is.

It took us an hour and a half to trim the front yard. I noticed it’s a lot like plucking your eyebrows - one hair can illuminate just how many more there are to be pulled. And yet, each one provides immediate satisfaction.

I dragged two bags full of branches and leaves to the curb, and, as I turned around to walk toward the house, the sight took my breath away. I couldn’t believe how much better our yard looked. It wasn't until that moment that I realized just how unruly those summer bushes had become.

As we finished up the last tree, I realized certain seasons in our own lives call for trimming, too. It might come in the form of a relationship or a job. It might be the clutter in our homes or on our calendars. We might not even realize it until someone else points it out. It will most certainly require grace as we give ourselves permission to let it go. It might take some discipline - or even a little mourning - to say goodbye.

But when we take the time to prune we might find that we’re shocked at the beauty it leaves behind.