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A Few Things I'm Loving

Three little pots making our house feel so springy! 

Happy Monday, beauties! Spring officially starts tomorrow and I could not be happier about it. I am ready for ya, springy spring! Along with the changing season, I'm loving these five things this week:

  1. Everyone Lotion in Mint + Coconut. Love this stuff! The coconut scent is light and springy. I've struggled with finding a natural/clean body lotion because I go through them too quickly to invest a lot of money. Overall, Everyone products have good ratings on the EWG (the main issue with this lotion seems to be allergens, which aren't a concern for me) and their prices are good. 
  2. Maya Angelou on Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday. Amazing. There are two parts and I listened to both twice. Maya is so wise! After listening, I was so obsessed that I actually wondered if we should name the baby Maya if she's a girl. But seriously, should we!? :)
  3. UPS My Choice. OK this is really random (and not an ad or affiliate link!). BUT I think you will like it, too! We've been getting so many packages lately with our move and UPS My Choice let's you schedule your deliveries, as well as sends you alerts for when they're coming. So much better than missing a delivery! I signed up for the free version and it's making my life a lot easier. 
  4. Caldo Verde Quick Kale Soup. I never trust a quick soup recipe because soup is always better on day two or three. How can it possibly be good in 30 minutes!? But we were in a bind last weekend and tried making this anyway. Honestly? It was pretty delicious after just a half hour of cooking. I will say it was better the second, third and fourth day, though. I'd imagine it would be delicious in a crockpot. I added a can of garbanzo beans to thicken it up.
  5. The Great Alone. I started this over the weekend and am already hooked. I love Kristin Hannah's writing. I know a lot of you replied to my Insta story and told me to keep going with All the Light We Cannot See, but it just wasn't working for me. I think the biggest issue may have been needing a break from the WWII books after three in a row. I may pick it back up later this year. 

Happy Spring Eve!