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My Favorite Devotionals

One of my favorite parts of the day is doing quiet time with Chris in the morning. We sit in the living room with the lights low and journal, pray, read the bible or read a devotional. Whatever suits us each day. It's an awesome time of being side by side, but quiet with the Lord. 

I thought I'd share a few of my favorite devos. I'm always looking for others, so please share if you have any you love! 

For a daily readJesus Calling. I love starting my day with this one and reading the accompanying scripture chapters. It's also available as an app, which is so nice to have when you're traveling. 

For a free devo: She Reads Truth. Similarly to Jesus Calling, SRT's devos are a great length, especially when I read the chapters in the bible where they pull the scripture. I also love reading about the authors at the end. 

For when you want to journal a lot: Rooted Ink. This is more of a journal, but I love it for days when I want to reflect in a structured way. Each day has a verse, as well as lines to write praises, confession, answered prayer, requests and scripture. 

For marriage: The Power of a Praying Wife. I love the way you can select a topic, like patience or priorities, and pray for your husband specifically in this area. If I'm ever feeling frustrated with Chris about something and I begin to pray for him on that topic specifically, my attitude immediately shifts.

For motherhood (or in my case, pregnancy!): Out of the Spin Cycle. I love Jen Hatmaker's thoughts on early motherhood and how she pairs them with scripture. I can only imagine how much more relevant it will feel a few months from now when we're in the thick of the baby days. 

On my wish list: 100 Days to Brave. I haven't read this one yet, but my sister-in-law got it for Christmas and it looks awesome. Daily devotionals for unlocking your most courageous self: what more could you want?