new beginnings

Today is my last day with my current job, and on Monday I begin with a new company.

As excited as I am to begin this new chapter of my life, I feel sad to close the current one.  I have had such a wonderful time in my position, and because it was my first full time job after college, I feel very attached to it.

The first few years after college are very challenging, and the first job you take really shapes who you become.  I feel very lucky to have worked with incredible women (and two men!), and I'm sad I won't get to see them every day.

Today I've found myself feeling very nostalgic, and doing things like reading my old 100 Willow post, trying to find very meaningful gifts for friends with upcoming birthdays, writing thank you notes, and listening to semi-sappy music (Matt Wertz, Sugarland, you know. Happy sappy.).

But with this ending, comes an awesome new beginning as well.

It's also amazing weather here right now - and even better tomorrow at 64 and sunny - and it has me believing that it's spring.  It feels very appropriate to be starting a new chapter, just as it feels we're changing seasons.  And although it isn't set to last until summer (drats!), it's the perfect way to begin a new job.

Of course, the major question is: what do I wear on Monday!?

My dear, dear friend Jordan is letting me borrow some clothes, all the way from Indiana, so now I just have to figure out how to put these outfits together. While I'm confident I can do it, this is certainly a time I wish I still had all my friends living right down the hall.

There's a very large part of me that think this notebook my be necessary to tote around on my first day.  A little extra confidence in my pocket, eh? Wish me luck!