Vegan Chai Green Smoothie {recipe}

I think I've made it really, really clear how I feel about breakfast. But in case you're new here, let me quickly remind you: I love breakfast. It's the meal for champions! It's the best way to start the day!

Last week I had to take my typhoid fever vaccination for Africa, which meant I couldn't eat in the mornings for four days. I was a lost lamb! I had no idea what to do with myself - my hunger was off the chains. 

I'm pretty habitual with my breakfast choices, and although it takes a lot for me to get sick of a meal, I've pushed oatmeal to the edge. I've been jamming to Quaker Oats + berries or a banana + almond or peanut butter since about last December when I got sick of my vegan pancakes. And you could say I've gotten my fill.

So lately I've been mixing it up, and because I'm always looking for new morning options, I thought I'd share my new favorite smoothie recipe:

Vegan Chai Green Smoothie
1 scoop Vega Vanilla Chai protein
1/2 frozen banana
1 c. spinach
1 c. almond milk
1/2 c. water
Cinnamon to taste

It's the perfect way to satisfy my chai latte cravings, but in a healthier way. And while Vega might seem expensive on the front end, it's a lot cheaper than getting an actual latte, ya know? At least this is how I convince myself it's OK to buy it...

I can't wait to make it with pumpkin in a few months. But not yet, because it's still summer. Don't forget it! 

Also, if you're like me and always looking for new green smoothie recipes, check it out: