Let's Talk About Your 20s!

Last week, I met with a college student who told me she was scared about graduating. She asked me what the hardest part about the transition was and what I wish I'd known. I answered her honestly: for me, the transition wasn't all that hard. 22, 23 and 24 were OK. And then 25 hit and it was a tornado. I wish I'd known that this was not only OK, but also normal

So often, all we really need is for people to normalize where we are. To tell us: this is OK. You are not crazy. You are not alone. This is something that happens to people during this decade.

I'm working on a new project focused on this very topic and would love your help as I begin my research. If you have time for a quick three-question survey (below or via this link if on your phone), I'd love and appreciate your feedback! 

Create your own user feedback survey

Thank you! Happy Monday!

Where Do You Get Your Worth?

It's not something I'm proud to admit, but I used to be a complete tanaholic. I was a triple threat of a sun worshipping disaster: I love nothing more than being outside, I tan quickly and I adored the compliments people gave me about my bronzed skin. 

Circa 2007. I realize now that this isn't the best look. 

Circa 2007. I realize now that this isn't the best look. 

In the interest of full disclosure, the first summer I had a 40-hour per week internship and was stuck inside during prime tanning hours, I'd run to my car on my lunch break, throw on my swimsuit and sneak to a nearby pond. I'd recline on my towel in the grass, next to the locals eating sandwiches on a bench before racing back to my car and changing into my work clothes. In the middle of the city - just blocks from my place of employment. 

It was bad. 

I remember thinking: If I'm not tan in the summer, I'm basically not me in the summer. I have to be tan when I go home to Indiana for weddings.

In retrospect, I see now what I didn't see then: I was getting worth from those compliments about my bronzed skin. I had been praised for being tan for so many years that it had become part of what I thought made me, me.

It was a source of self-worth. 

And that can be the trouble with the things for which we receive abundant praise. They start as compliments, which are flattering remarks from others. But, after hearing them over and over, they become complements, which are things that make a group complete. The compliments begin to complete us. 

They become part of who we are.

Over time, you begin to measure your own self-worth based on these things. It may be that you're funny, smart, good at your job or super efficient that you're proud of. And it's OK to be proud of our achievements. But, when we begin to place so much value on our accomplishments, we begin to believe they give us value. 

As we age, we may not be able to access these things - perhaps you lose your job or, like me, realize you don't want to be super tan anymore. Suddenly, the thing that once gave us worth is gone, and we're left with an imaginary measuring stick to which we can no longer stack up. 

Throughout my 20s, I've spent quite a bit of time and energy on figuring out where my worth comes from. I've wrestled with what makes me who I am versus what are simply facts about me. Yes, I may have skin that naturally tans, but it doesn't make me more or less valuable. Yes, I can rock a to do list like it's nobody's business, but it doesn't give me my worth. 

My weight, accomplishments, abilities, relationships and possessions don't make me who I am. They are just things. My worth is not external or temporary. 

It breaks my heart when I see people carrying their worth around their necks like a weight. It's the workout they have to complete in order to feel worthy, the house they have to clean to feel like they're enough and the relationship they have to find to feel whole. It pains me so because I used to be that person. I used to earn my worth every day with tasks and to do lists, exercise and so many fleeting items. 

I've come to learn that the more we begin to believe our worth is innate, and not something to be earned, the more we find freedom to be who we really are. The more we can become whole, full versions of ourselves and begin to believe that we are more than enough.

We are extraordinary, in fact, because we were intentionally made to be exactly as we are. 

Getting Myself Unstuck

Hello, Wednesday! I'm so excited to share my second Sometimes, Always, Never newsletter. A pep talk for your inbox! I won't always be posting them here, so feel free to subscribe if you're interested in keeping up-to-date.

Lately, I've been making excuses.

I feel stuck. I have too much on my plate. I'm overwhelmed. I don't know where to begin. I don't have enough time. 

I cited all of these reasons, among others, as I talked to my sister about where I am with my business. 

And, the truth is, they're true. I have taken on a bit too much and it's overwhelming me.

However, as I explained them to her, I realized that just because they're true doesn't mean they aren't excuses. They've become my crutch - my reason not to go forward. Once I said them out loud, I realized the only thing holding me back was myself. Isn't that always how it goes? 

I realized I needed to force my own hand - to create accountability. I can't change the circumstances that are overwhelming me, but I can help myself get unstuck by committing to deadlines and milestones. By controlling the elements that are within reach and letting go of those that are not. And by acknowledging what is baked in fear and what is in Truth. 

So that's where I am this week: committing to going forward, ready or not. Committing to focus groups and camp dates. Committing to things that feel scary, but also exciting. 

I hope your 2016 is off to a great start. I hope you feel refreshed and not stuck and that your year is bringing more adventure than you imagined.

PS: Feeling stuck yourself? Check out this great read.