sometimes, always, never

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thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
This is the only thing I can think to write today.
Thank you to my amazing brothers who came to Atlanta just for Cheers for Children.
Thank you to my friends for attending the event and supporting a cause that has become so dear to me.
Thank you to my family for supporting me the last few months as I, yet again, took on too many things and ran around like a crazy woman.
Thank you to everyone who couldn't attend Cheers for Children, but supported the cause by lifting up everyone who put on the event.
This year's event was such a great night - with Duke and Sam, old friends, new friends and so much dancing. Thank you so much for everyone who made the night incredible!
And some photobooth ridiculousness...
But especially to Duke and Sam for being the best brothers ever, and coming all the way to Atlanta just for it. It was amazing to have you here!
Of course, we didn't just sit around waiting for Cheers all weekend. Other highlights include:
Dinner at Farm burger, the VaHi Fest and froyo (a Biber kind of Friday!).
Pool time, Duke and Sam hanging my headboard (I told you they were the best!), some runs and green smoothies, backyard frisbee and much more. YAAY! Happy weekend :)
I hope yours was amazing and in case you missed it: thank you! For being you.