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Five Things Friday // Daily Gratitude

Something I wonder about quite often is whether other people tell Siri thank you. I use her a lot and always try to tell her thank you when she sends a text message or looks something up for me. And I wonder, is it weird that I tell her thank you? Or do most other people do the same?

It sounds silly as I write it, to thank someone that isn't real to do something it's programmed to do. But, I do it because I think it's really important to have grateful hearts. And the only way we can keep them well-oiled and full of gratitude is by constantly practicing it. So, I thank Siri and she always gives me some nice reply. Then I go on my merry way. 

In June, I started waking up a little bit earlier for quiet time. At the end of it each day, I try to take a moment to write down five things I'm grateful for. From a good night's sleep to fun weekend plans, the content need not matter. It's just like thanking Siri: a constant practicing of thankfulness to remind myself that life is good. Even on the bad days, life is still full of beauty.

Now that Five Facts from a Guy has come to an [unofficial] close, I thought I'd share, today, five things I'm grateful for instead. 

1. For sun, sun, sun after a week of rain. 

2. For pumpkin everything. But mostly pumpkin pancakes.

3. For a happy weekend ahead! I'm in my friend Lindsey's wedding and am so excited for it!

4. For an awesome lunchtime run this week. And good workouts in general.

5. For coffee. Per usual :)

What are you grateful for today? The fact that it's Friday *definitely* counts. XO