happy nashville weekend

How is it even possibly Friday? This week was a tiny, baby blink. Not to live in the past, here, but I haven't even gotten around to sharing pics from our amazing weekend in Nashville.

My parents so kindly rented a house and Chris, Sam, Duke (+his girlfriend, Michelle) and I met them, along with Sam's girlfriend, Abbey, halfway between Atlanta and Indiana. It was a wonderful weekend. It was both restful and energizing, which is my favorite way to feel after a weekend away. 

The funny thing is, I completely forgot that I'd made a Nashville city guide a few months back - so it was so fun to look back yesterday to see how our actual weekend matched up with the guide. 

Here's what we did from the list:

Barista Parlor, which I loved. It might be my favorite coffee shop ever, which is saying a lot, a lot. It's so experiential, the coffee is unreal AND they have gluten free biscuits + almond milk. I mean. Come on. I was all set. 

Mas Tacos Por Favor, which I also loved. I know. I seem kind of easy right now. But it got me for the same reasons - totally different than Barista Parlor but a true experience. It's a food truck turned hole in the wall, in the best way possible. From the food to the decor to the prices, they never veer from their brand and I loved it. 

Frothy Monkey. YEP more coffee. You could have probably guessed there would be a few stops for java.

Fido for breakfast. I'd been before, but it was still great to go back. 

Imogene + Willie: toooo good. This is Sam's favorite store, so I was so excited to have the chance to see it in person. It was everything I imagined and I really am craving a pair of their jeans now. And I don't even like jeans!

12 South Neighborhood for strolling and shopping. Loved it! Adorable.

Here's the new stuff we found:

Las Paletas: If I made another Nashville City Guide, this would absolutely be on it. You know how I feel about popsicles (/ice cream/dessert). I take it seriously. I was a little worried I had too high of expectations but they did not disappoint. The Salted Caramel was from my dreams.

Savant, White Mercantile and Hip Zipper for shopping: Fun, happy, rainy day activities.

And that's how we Nashed! Thank you all for a happy, happy weekend! And, especially thank you to my constantly generous parents for making it happen. It was the perfect fall weekend! :)

PS: In restrospect, my 48-hour guide is way aggressive because we fit all that + a few more in and were completely out of time.