king of pops

Since moving to Atlanta, I have officially fallen in love with the King of Pops popsicles. And as the days have gotten hotter, my cravings for them have increased exponentially.

On Monday, after a crazy hard workout class, my friends Casey and Stephanie and I decided it was time to make our own popsicles, as we'd recently discovered his Banana Pudding recipe, and had clearly earned our dessert.

They were pretty much completely amazing, and I strongly recommend making them yourself. While I'll be the first the admit that ours were a far cry from his, I'd like to think it must have to do with the old theory that it tastes better when someone else makes them for you...

good morning!

This week I've been slightly low on completely out of groceries and have been eating scraps for breakfast.

Scraping the bottom of my peanut butter jar and savoring bites of my last apple for the week has left me yearning for a hearty brunch.

And what do you know, in my time of trial I stumble upon this insane french toast, topped with marshmallows - one of my favorite sweet treats [see hierarchy of desserts here].

It's settled. I must go to the grocery soon.

via oh joy