summertime in the city

I may have jinxed my beach weekend with over-eager posting last week. It ended up raining while we were there and I believe I actually returned from the trip with a lower Vitamin D count than I left with.

However, we still had a great time celebrating Reese and Maria's wedding, and at the end of the weekend, they accomplished what they set out to do: start an amazing marriage together. And, rain or shine, we still had a fabulous time.

I'm hoping to post pictures soon - but since I didn't take any, and will have to wait for friends to upload them, I can't really provide a timeline. :)

However, I did walk away from the weekend with an insatiable desire to eat summery food, which I blame on the beach. Well, and the rain. It was a double threat.

Check out my post on Freshly Rooted tomorrow for the super summery salad I made Sunday, and in the meantime, try wrap your mind around how amazing and fresh this popsicle would taste. Anyone up for a little summertime snack?