snow day

Last night, as the snow started pouring and quickly accumulating on the ground, Jim and I were both giddy with excitement. Although we both grew up with snow. And I moved to Georgia with the hope that I wouldn't see it for a while. And he is from New Hampshire where they get two feet and don't bat an eye...

Yet, we were both still filled with child-like excitement at the prospect of four inches.   We watched the scrolling cancellations as if we were in elementary school, praying for our superintendent to have mercy.  We laughed as we saw things like: "City of Fairburn: Closed".  We stayed up late, just because it felt like a special night.

And although I'm pleased that it will be back up to nearly 50 degrees by the weekend, I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying this snowy day.  Now I just have to convince Jim to go sledding with me...

photo via cupcakes and cashmere

and he huffed and he puffed...

I began to understand how the Grinch must have felt last night as I took my tree down, five days before Christmas.  That corner of my apartment looks so sad now.

Though, when I return after Christmas, I'll be very happy I don't have to do it.

Fortunately, my apartment is not looking completely like Whoville, because Jim and I made gingerbread houses this weekend.

We listened to Christmas music, ate tons of candy (that was more me than him), and talked as we built two happy little neighboring gingerbread homes.  I highly recommend the activity.

You'll notice there is a lot of snow on my house...
Sadly, Jim's house fell right as he put on the final piece. I must admit, though that before it collapsed, it was definitely better than mine.  You can tell by the roof detail...
Beware, it's kind of a messy project. But well worth it...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Even though it was in the sixties last week and I (literally) keep forgetting that it's December, it is officially Christmas in my apartment....

...because, I have my very first Christmas tree!

Jim and I went to the Home Depot last week to buy it. Things are looking extra festive around here.

The first tree we looked at was the perfect one...
 I also needed  a tree stand...
All decorated...
And sparkly...
Katie sent me a little stocking to hang, too...
And Jordan suggested that since I won't stop blogging about Hunters, I should get the Rain Wellie ornament from Crate and Barrel to tide me over. It would look pretty cute on my tree...