oh happy day weekend

Something really scary happens when you graduate college.

Exponentially each year, the quantity of people that you tell your every.life.detail begins to decrease. Especially when you lived in a sorority. And everybody knew everybody's biz.

But the best part is that, with each passing year, you realize maybe not everyone in the world needs to know about this boy and that adventure, because the people still standing know the real stuff - the good, the bad, the exciting, the happy, the joyful. And they've been there holding your hand all along - even from thousands of miles away.

I'm fortunate enough to have quite a few of those people still standing, and this weekend, four of them surprised me by planning a trip to Atlanta for my birthday. As Maggie said multiple times throughout the weekend, "this feels so right."

And she was right. It really did.
Thank you all for visiting me in Atlanta! It meant the world to me!