sometimes, always, never

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i lake it. i lake it a lot.

In March, I officially called it spring. My heart was bursting with warmth as the two most perfect seasons began. And every year, as it turns to August, I begin to feel one part bliss, because I love back to school season, and if I try hard enough, I swear I can still get a whiff of the sweet smell of Eagle Elementary. But another part of my heart is anxious because I have wildly conflicted feelings about fall.

But, as I begin my third autumn in Atlanta, I'm beginning to relax. Fall isn't so scary, because winter isn't so long. In fact, Georgia winters are pretty unthreatening. I feel like I am no longer approaching fall with my shoulders up by my ears. I might even be excited...!

However, this weekend, we made sure to embrace summer to its fullest. With a birthday party Friday night, finding our new house Saturday morning (!!) and a trip to Lake Rabun Saturday and Sunday, the weekend was jam packed. My arms are sore (sore, sore) from tubing, but if you know me at all, you know that lakes are a pretty large obsession of mine, and the lactic acid build up really just means victory on the tube.

As I fell asleep last night, I definitely felt like my bed was rocking like a boat, and I was also sad to see the weekend end. But, we still have a lot of lake-appropriate weekends ahead of us - and that's the beautiful thing about fall in Georgia, my friends.

Hope you're weekend was grrreat. xo :)

Oh, and since I didn't take any pictures (eqjwbis!), a throwback for your Monday viewing pleasure.
Don't you lake it, too!?
